Scope of Practice

Scope of Practice

Core Skills of GCs     Core of Ethics & SOP

Board of Genetic Counseling (BGC) Certification

A Level I certification - as deemed competent to handle a supervised genetic service for hereditary risk evaluation,pedigree drawing and assessment, and pre-test genetic counseling in a clinical setting. The Level I certified Counselor may offer the consultand recommendations for hereditary/syndromic diagnosis and/or genetic testing after due consultation with a supervising physician, a clinical geneticist and/or a Level II Certified Genetic Counselor, and is required to maintain records with signatures of the supervisor(s) to this effect. The Level I Genetic Counselor may carry out the activities of a “Genetic Counselor” as described in the "Scope of Practice of Genetic Counselors" of the Board, under supervision of, and in consultation with, a Level II Certified Genetic Counselor.

A Level II certification - confers the practitioner as deemed competent to independently handle a genetic service, offering hereditary risk evaluation, pedigree drawing; assessment of, and recommendations for, hereditary/syndromic diagnosis and/or genetic testing, pre- and post-test genetic counseling, predictive, pre-natal and pre-implantation genetic counseling and testing, and counseling for ethical, social, psychological, legal and other issues arising as a result of the consultand’s disorder. The Certified Level II Genetic Counselor may assist the attending physician in offering and counseling the consultand in risk management options related

to his/her disorder and carry out all activities of a "Genetic Counselor" as described in the "Scope of Practice of Genetic Counselors" of the Board.